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NJHS Inductions 2024 | The Southern Bell

NJHS Inductions 2024

207 Views | Published May 21, 2024 | Edited May 23, 2024

Tags: #njhs #inductions #njhs-inductions #induction #njhs-induction #national-junior-honor-society


Aviva Frank

The Southern Bell - Writer
(Aviva Frank) —

On April 16, 2024, exemplary members of the eighth and ninth grade were inducted into the Starfish Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Although the ceremony was less than an hour long, the process that led to the induction was lengthy. Initially, candidates had to have high grades to even be considered for the society. After they were picked for their grades, candidates had to write an application and have a sufficient amount of community service hours. Candidates were all sent letters of acceptance or rejection. Finally, after all this work, the inductees got to officially be a part of the society.

Inductees were supported by the existing members of the society, Mrs. Coppens, Ms. Ward, and Ms. Allen who gave speeches at the ceremony. Additionally, The Jedwoods sang the national anthem and the Chamber Orchestra played the Processional and Recessional at the ceremony. Everyone was welcomed by Seth Canque prior to the Pledge of Allegiance being recited by Syedah Ali. Laila Smith, the secretary of the club, then told "The Starfish Story" about how this chapter of the club got its name. Next, the president, Zahra Shahid, and the vice president, Zoe Weiner, gave an address to the inductees. The existing members of the society, Brianna Dean, Sudan Belnavis, Sophia Singh, Isaiah Moreno, and Sasha Hicks, each presented a different quality that new members should exhibit. The inductees were finally welcomed into the society after getting a certificate and saying the society's pledge. After the new members sat down, Ms. Allen and the advisors of the society, Mrs. Coppens and Ms. Ward, gave speeches to end the ceremony.

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