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The Southern Bell

South’s Valedictorian & Salutatorian Interview

South is proud to congratulate the 2023 valedictorian Steven Huang and the 2023 salutatorian Ibrahim

152 Views | Published May 29, 2023

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Madeleine Fryling & Amina Radoncic

The Southern Bell - Writer
(Madeleine Fryling & Amina Radoncic) —

South is proud to congratulate the 2023 valedictorian Steven Huang and the 2023 salutatorian Ibrahim Qadri! Additionally, we were able to interview Ibrahim Qadri, read below!

Looking back on your South career, what was your biggest struggle and how did you overcome it?

I procrastinate, so that would probably be my biggest struggle. In sophomore year, for example, this issue really hit me in the face, as I really developed the tendency to delay my work until the last second. These poor working habits didn’t really help me when everything switched to being in person last year. I had to learn to organize my work, improve my handwriting, and start my work far earlier than what I was used to.

What do you believe your biggest achievement was during your time at South?

My research is definitely the biggest achievement that I have accomplished throughout my time here at South. I was able to find an effective, yet accessible solution to the harmful effects of nicotine, and I found that the effect of nicotine can affect multiple generations, which really hasn't been researched before. As a result of many years of hard work in my science research class, I placed in several state competitions, with the biggest ones being a semifinalist in the Regeneron Science Talent Search, and placing third in the world for Animal Science, at the International Science and Engineering Fair.

Who do you believe has helped you most to earn the honor of becoming salutatorian?

My science research class was an amazing support system that aided me in earning the honor of salutatorian. Through my research accomplishments, and really anything in general, they were all there to have my back since the beginning of the program in 9th grade. They motivated me and helped me stay on track, especially when I would begin to slack off a bit. For example, last year, I was becoming lazy after the AP Physics exam and was having a difficult time staying on task and actually completing my final project, but they encouraged me to finish it on time and continue to maintain high grades even after the AP exams.

Do you have any advice for rising seniors during the coming college admissions process?

Make sure to plan everything in advance and start working on your college essay as early as possible. I would say that the first two marking periods of senior year were significantly harder than the entirety of junior year because, especially for AP students and those with a lot of extracurriculars, you have to maintain high grades and be able to write effective supplemental essays, prepare for college interviews, and create resumes. As a result, it would be very wise to plan accordingly and do whatever you can during the summer in order to prevent an overload of work.

What college or career path are you planning to pursue next?

Originally, my intent was to attend the Stony Brook Honors College and major in Computer Science, but thankfully, I was later accepted and committed to the Sophie Davis Biomedical Education program, so I intend on becoming an orthopedic surgeon. However, I am still extremely passionate about computer science, so I am definitely going to be coding on the side. I really hope to be able to integrate coding into the medical field and see what type of advancements I can make.

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