Latest — End of Year 2024

Spanish and Italian Heritage at South

123 Views | Published December 19, 2023 | Edited December 19, 2023

Tags: #spanish #italian #cultures #culture #heritage


Fabiha Amin

The Southern Bell - Writer
(Fabiha Amin) —

This year South had a blast with the Spanish and Italian heritage month! The week began with the playing of traditional Spanish and Italian music in the hallways to in class educational lessons on the importance of the cultures in both country’s respective classes, South teachers created culminating and fun lessons for all!

Spanish teacher Ms. Lagrasse shared her thoughts with us, “There is so much variety in food, language, and culture everybody can find something to relate to, it really brings people together." Ms. Lagrasse even states that being kind is the number one step for integration of cultures at South, truly emphasizing our school motto: small acts of kindness make a big difference!

Spanish and Italian heritage month truly brought people together especially the South learning community! 

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